Why do clients choose to work with Source Republic? Here are some of the reasons they choose us:

We know that you are often busy, so we always aim to work in the background without causing additional distraction to your daily business activities when undertaking the sourcing process.  We therefore only call or email you when absolutely necessary.

  • We are honest and open about our margins/rates.
  • We regularly update candidates to minimise candidate dropout rates.  
  • Speed – we can typically deliver contract skills within 24-48 hours or high level permanent staff depending on your specifications within 5-7 working days.
  • Flexibility – whether you’re a startup or a large corporation, we are able to support you in finding specific resources.
  • Source Republic has an extensive network, with access and long-term relationships with specialists in various locations across Europe (as well as Russia, North America).
  • We provide references for each of our candidates.
  • Professionalism and reliability are both cornerstones of our business.

And, we generally support and assist employers who find themselves in the following circumstances:

  • A need for personnel, either on a short-term or long-term basis because of a lack of in-house skills
  • Increased workload, and a corresponding need for more qualified personnel
  • A contingent solution for unexpected loss of staff due to illness, injury or any other reason, or a need for holiday cover
  • Dissatisfied with the price, candidate quality or level of service provided by existing suppliers
Call Us +44 (0)20 3605 5441
Send us a messageinfo@sourcerepublic.co.uk
Visit usHatton Garden, London